We dance in Islington, but there are many friendly local groups in and around London.
Find links to other Scottish Dancing Groups and useful retailers here.
Summer Tuesdays: www.summertuesdays.org
The Gay Gordons Manchester: gay-gordons-manchester.co.uk
The Gay Gordons Edinburgh: (contact via Facebook)
RSCDS London Branch: rscdslondon.org.uk
St. Columba’s Dancers: stcolumbasdancers.org
Chiswick Scottish Country Dance Club: chiswickscottish.org.uk
Epping Forrest Scottish Association: efsa.org.uk
Wimbledon Reels: (contact via Facebook)
The Little Ship Club: littleshipclubdancing.co.uk
The Highland Club: londonhighlandclub.co.uk
Paul Henry Kilts: paulhenrykilts.com
The Ministry of Tartan (very good quality vintage clothing for men): ministryoftartan.com
House of Labhran (excellent hose, sporrans etc): houseoflabhran.com
Antonio Pacelli (dancing ghillies): antoniopacelli.com
The Highland Store: highlandstore.com